The Production Management of Organic Vegetables Group in Tumbon Nongpakrung, Muang District, Chiang Mai Province with Participations of the Community


  • จิรัฏฐ์ กาญจน์บุญเรือง chirath
  • พรรณนุช ชัยปินชนะ


production management, organic vegetables, Nong Pa Krang Subdistrict Community, participation


This study implemented a participatory action research. The objective were to study the production management system and problems, and to develop an appropriate production management system that can sustainably generate additional income for the community members. The sample group was 15 members of the organic vegetable group in the Nong Pa Krang sub-district. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews, small group discussion. Create a community learning process by making a study trip to model community, including seeking ways to deal with problems and arising impacts, utilizing the P-D-C-A process. The results revealed that the input problems were poor soil quality, defective cultivation equipment, and lack of working capital to repair equipment and water filters. Problems with the process were improper landscaping and lack of working capital for production operations. The problems with output were: some vegetables produced poor quality, disease, and lack of production planning to meet the market demand, causing some crops exceeding the demand and some did not meet the demand. Nevertheless, the results of the development by the participation process made the group able to develop and improve production management systems, such as soil improvement by mixing compost, proper cultivation planning, planning multiple crop rotations, clearly defining those responsible for the operation, determining the types of vegetables to be planted with regular customers, and creating an understanding of how to calculate the basic production costs. As a result, the group could develop a suitable production management system.


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