The Knowledge Synthesis of Research Works in Regards to Green Hotels in Thailand


  • Prutyumon Lepananon -
  • Aswin Sangpikul


Synthesis, Knowledge Synthesis, Green Hotel, Environmental Conservation


This research has the objectives 1) to study and categorize the key issues of research in regards to green hotels in Thailand in the past 10 years, and 2) to analyze and synthesize knowledge from such research works to provide a broad view of knowledge regarding green hotels in Thailand. The study will benefit the business sector and other research studies. This study collects data from academic database from TCI and Google Scholar, and uses content analysis and descriptive statistics to analyze and present the data. According to the findings, it was found that 1) there was a total of 68 studies regarding green hotels in Thailand during the past 10 years. Most studies were quantitative studies while the southern region was the area where most studies were conducted. Most researchers chose to conduct research based on hotels rather than resorts. The most popular topics about green hotel were the studies in relation to customers’ attitudes and their opinions towards the green hotels. 2) The synthesis of research works was divided into 5 issues: (1) causes/factors being a green hotel (2) approaches for changes of employee behaviors (3) customer perceptions and opinions towards green hotels (4) approaches for environmental management and (5) approaches to be promoted in green hotels’ management. In this regard, green hotel practitioners may implement the knowledge from this research to develop their works within the hotels for the benefits of economics, social and environment concerns. 


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