Efficiency of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Firefighting and Rescue of Bangkok Fire and Rescue Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


  • Chatchai Suejui
  • Orapin Piyasakulkiat
  • Vichai Thosuwanjinda
  • Sorasak Choodum


efficiency, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Firefighting and Rescue, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration


The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of unmanned aerial vehicles in fire and rescue operations of the Bangkok Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office and to study the problems and obstacles of unmanned aerial vehicles in fire and rescue operations, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The researchers collected data using questionnaire, from 60 samples and the collected data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and Standard Deviation. The findings showed that: 1) most respondents were 26-30 years old, with a bachelor's degree, have monthly income of 15,001 – 25,000 baht, working for 6-10 years as a disaster prevention and relief workers. 2) The overall efficiency of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Firefighting and Rescue Operations of the Bangkok Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Bureau, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration was at high level, with the following order (1) Quality of work (2) Timing (3) Cost and (4) Workload. 3) Most of the problems and obstacles encountered were time-consuming and difficulty in maintainance because the drone had cameras and GPS.


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