- Personnel management according to Sappurasithamma 7 principles in a provincial industrial factory in Chonburi -

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์Ntapat Worapongpat


This research has the objectives 1. To study the conditions of personnel management in basic educational institutions Under the Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 Under the Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office, Region 3. Mixed methodological research between quantitative and qualitative research. Research tools consisted of a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview. quantitative research sample They were school administrators and 402 teachers. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The confidence value was 0.905. Qualitative research. The group of informants were: 1) 5 experts selected specifically to be used for checking the content's consistency or accuracy.

The results showed that

1) Personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhammas in basic educational institutions Under the Maha Sarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, it was found that overall and each aspect had practiced at a high level. The most practiced aspect was Dhammanyuta (knowing the cause), followed by atthanyuta (knowing the result), and the lowest is the parisanyuta. (know the community)

2) Guidelines for personnel administration according to the Seven Sappurisadhammas are: 1) Administrators should administer personnel with fairness without prejudice. 2) Educational institutions should allow personnel to equally participate in expressing their opinions. cotton

3) Executives should be willing to give advice to personnel at all times.

4) Educational institutions should allocate budgets to support personnel development expenses fairly.

5) Educational institutions should allow communities to participate in education management by publicizing and building community networks.

6) Encourage personnel to express their opinions on personnel management work thoroughly.

7) Educational institutions should support personnel to continue their education/training. so that personnel have the opportunity to develop and advance in their work responsibilities

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How to Cite
Worapongpat ์. (2023). - Personnel management according to Sappurasithamma 7 principles in a provincial industrial factory in Chonburi: -. Buddhism in Mekong Region Journal, 6(2), 1–18. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bmrj/article/view/266291 (Original work published June 30, 2023)
Research Articles
Author Biography

์Ntapat Worapongpat, Ntapat Worapongpat



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