Management Model of the Dual Vocational Education System at the Bachelor’s Degree in Technology or Operational Stream of Vocational Education Institutes

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Songwut Ruanthai
Satorn Subruangthong
Nuntiya Noichun


This research aimed at studying factors, creating, and evaluating the management model of the dual vocational education system at the bachelor’s degree of the vocational education institutes. This research method was in a mixed model comprised 3 stages. Stage 1 was to study about management by interviewing 25 experts. The research instrument was the interview. The statistics employed were frequency and percentage. Stage 2 was to create the management. The research instrument was the outline of management model of the dual vocational education system at the bachelor’s degree of the vocational education institutes and the seminar document references to 11 experts. The statistics used was content analysis. Stage 3 was to evaluate the management from 9 institutes, 63 participants. The statistics employed were mean and standard deviation.
The findings revealed as follows:
1. 9 factors of management model consisting of 1) students, 2) personnel, 3) budget, 4) curriculum, 5) supports for learning and instruction, 6) entrepreneurs’ establishments, 7) cooperation, 8) management process, and 9) graduates’ quality.
2. The management model can be concluded as follows: 1) It comprises 3 parts consisting of the following: Part 1 Introduction with objectives of the management model of the dual vocational education system at the bachelor’s degree level of the vocational education institutes. Part 2 Content consisting of (1) input, (2) processes, and (3) feedback. Part 3 Conditions for success. 2) Confirmatory result of the management model according to the experts’ opinions as a whole was accuracy and suitability. 3) Evaluation of the handbook for the management model found that the handbook was accuracy and suitability at a high level.
3. The evaluation of the management model as a whole was at the highest level. When considered aspect by aspect, the highest average of evaluation was the aspect of utility was at the highest level, whereas the lowest average of evaluation was the aspect of feasibility was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Ruanthai, S., Subruangthong, S. ., & Noichun, N. . (2021). Management Model of the Dual Vocational Education System at the Bachelor’s Degree in Technology or Operational Stream of Vocational Education Institutes. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 21(1), 145–158. Retrieved from
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