Human Resource Management in the Buddhist way in the 21st Century

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Theeratas Rojkitjakul
Boonchot Saleeoon
Chamnarn Kerdchor
Phrakru Sangkharak Pittaya Yantharo


This academic article aims to present the Buddhist way of human resource management in the 21st century, to get the organization to face a dynamic and constantly adapting environment. Also, this Buddhist way helps the organization to develop and survive. Thus, the researcher has brought the four Sangahavatthu principles, to adapt as a basis for practicing. The contextual change of the periods and the influence from the stimuli of the causal factor may bring the organization to difficulties. For this reason, the objective of this article is to apply the Buddhist way in human resource management effectively and always is ready to cope with the change in managing people to match the current era using the four Sangahavatthu principles, to enable personnel and organization to work efficiently.

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How to Cite
Rojkitjakul , T. ., Saleeoon, B. ., Kerdchor, C. ., & Phrakru Sangkharak Pittaya Yantharo. (2023). Human Resource Management in the Buddhist way in the 21st Century. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 301–310. Retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic Article)


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