The Characteristics of a Successful Teacher in Primary School: Case Study Grounded Theory

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Juraporn Jancharee
Praporntip Kunagornpitak
Somkid Sroinam


This study aims to draw theoretical conclusions of the characteristics of successful teachers by employing grounded theory to examine the features, developmental process, and factors that play roles on these characteristics. Purposive and snowball sampling were utilized to recruit 49 participants. A field study site was selected based on theoretical methods and the data were collected from documentary analysis, in-depth interviews, observations, and field notes. All data were transcribed, interpreted, and analyzed using NVivo.10. This study discovered three characteristics of successful teachers: knowledge, behavior, and teacher performance.
The findings reveal that:
1. The characteristics of successful teachers occur under certain conditions, both in- and out-of-institutional context.
2. In an in-institutional context, the conditions arise from personal, administrational, and political levels, whilst under the out-off-institutional context, the parents’ expectations were reported to be the condition that enriches the teachers’ characteristics.
3. The results also depict that the developmental process of successful teachers’ characteristics happens under the roles of effective management by the administrators and the teachers’ own professional performance.
4. Furthermore, the findings signify that the factors that play a role on the existence and disappearance of the characteristics are dependent on the administration style of the school directors, teacher self-performance, moral support from significant others, and participations from communities.
5. This research sheds light upon the positive consequences of successful teachers’ characteristics, and the findings could enhance learners’ academic development, teacher performance, and school recognition.

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How to Cite
Jancharee, J., Kunagornpitak, P. ., & Sroinam, S. . (2023). The Characteristics of a Successful Teacher in Primary School: Case Study Grounded Theory. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 23(3), 187–202. Retrieved from
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