The Development of a Problem-based Learning Management Model to Enhance Problem-Solving Ability and Computational Thinking of Junior High School Students in Educational Opportunity Expansion Schools
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The purposes of this research were 1) studying the index necessity of problem-based learning management model for enhance problem solving ability and computational thinking of junior high school students in educational opportunity expansion schools, 2) to develop problem-based learning management model. Examples include teachers of science and technology, subject total of 46 persons and junior high school students in educational opportunity expansion schools total of 333 persons under the Amnat Charoen Primary Educational Service Area Office. In semester 2, academic year 2023, Obtained from stratified random sampling, and five experts were obtained through purposive sampling. Research tools include questionnaire the necessity of problem-based learning management model, a problem-based learning management model, a user guide, learning management plan, and tests of problem-solving ability and computational thinking. Statistics used were averages, priority needs index, and content validity index.
The results revealed that:
1. Results of the study of the priority needs index in learning management. It aimed at revealed that the highest priority needs index of teachers includes problem solving ability (PNI Modified = 0.303). And the highest priority needs index of students includes computational thinking (PNI Modified = 0.278).
2. The development of problem-based learning management model. It aimed at revealed that the content validity index of learning management model passed the quality criteria (CVI between 0.80-1.00) and suitability overall at the highest level ( = 4.72). And learning management model aimed at interesting. It is appropriate, easy to understand, the content is continuous, and activities stimulate learning very well.
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