Buddhist Principles Application in Self-Control, Man Control, and Work Control of School Administrators under the Jurisdiction Chiangmai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6
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The purposes of this research were 1) study the application of Buddhist principles in governing oneself, governing people, and governing the work of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office Area 6, 2) Develop guidelines for applying Buddhist principles in governing oneself, one's people, one's work for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office Area 6, the instrument used in the research was a questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample group consisting of 79 school administrators and 256 teachers, totaling 335 people. Quantitative data were analyzed using the SPSS program to analyze frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations.
The results revealed that:
1. Results of the analysis of the application of Buddhist principles in governing oneself, man control, and governing the work of School administrators under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 6, the overall level is at a high level. When considering each aspect according to the principles of Buddhism, it was found that every item was at a high level, arranged from highest to lowest average as follows: Self-control in terms of holding people employment aspect.
2. Guidelines for applying the principles of Buddhism in governing oneself, man control, and governing work for school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 6, it was found that; 1) self-care Apply the Four sublime states of mind, consisting of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy, and equanimity having good intentions. Listen to opinions support personnel to progress be fair and maintain correctness and being neutral, 2) residence of people use the base of sympathy, consisting of giving offering, kindly speech, useful conduct, and even and equal treatment namely building morale for personnel use of rhetoric, empathy, justice, 3) job management use the Four Foundations for accomplishment consist, consisting of passion, diligence, mind or consciousness, and investigation, happy at work and satisfaction of job, dedicated and hardworking person devote and participation of job.
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