The Participative Management Approaches of the Environmental Education Schools for Sustainable Development under the Department of Education, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Parichat Homsin
Nuttachai Sriiam
Waraporn Thaima
Pattrawadee Makmee


This multi-phase mixed methods research aimed to: 1) study the current state and the desired conditions of participatory management in environmental education schools for sustainable development under the Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, 2) develop guidelines, and 3) evaluate the guidelines. The research was divided into 3phases: The quantitative research phase involved a sample of 390 participants. The instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and PNI Modified. 2) The qualitative research phase consisted of in-depth interviews with 14 experts in environmental education school management for sustainable development. The data were analyzed using content analysis. 3) The mixed qualitative and quantitative research phase consisted of focus group discussions and guideline evaluations with 10 school administrators or project head teachers. The research instruments were focus group discussion forms and participatory management guideline quality assessment forms. The data were analyzed using content analysis, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The research findings revealed that:
1. The current conditions overall were at a moderate level, while the desired conditions were at the highest level. The aspect with the highest priority need was participation and environmental education network building, followed by environmental education policy and management structure, environmental learning process development, and school natural resources and environmental management, respectively.
2. The guidelines were developed in 4 main areas: participation and environmental education network building, environmental education policy and management structure, learning process development, and natural resources and environmental management. Each area consisted of practices emphasizing participatory processes in all steps.
3. The evaluation showed high approval from experts, particularly in the area of participation and environmental education network building, which received the highest approval at 96.25%. Overall, the guidelines were found to have feasibility, utility, and appropriateness at the highest level, reflecting that the developed guidelines can be practically implemented.

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How to Cite
Homsin, P., Sriiam, N. ., Thaima, W. ., & Makmee, P. . (2024). The Participative Management Approaches of the Environmental Education Schools for Sustainable Development under the Department of Education, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(4), 87–104. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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