The Development of the Buddhist Quality of Life in New Mexico, USA According to Buddhist Ethics
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The purposes of this research were 1) to study Buddhist ethical principles for quality-of-life improvement; 2) to examine the quality-of-life of Buddhists in New Mexico, USA; 3) to present the improvement of the quality-of-life of Buddhists in New Mexico, USA, through Buddhist ethics. This qualitative study explores information from the Tipitaka, relevant documents, and research, with key informants consisting of 30 individuals/monks. Data is analyzed descriptively using inductive methods.
The results revealed that:
1. Buddhist ethics are teachings in Buddhism concerning human conduct, criteria for determining good and evil, and what should or should not be done. The ethical principles used for improving the quality of life include the threefold training (Tisikkhā) and the four types of meditation (Bhāvanā). Applying these principles to improve the quality of life leads to both mundane and transcendent happiness.
2. Four quality of life issues identified include: (1) differences, (2) inequality, (3) housing, and (4) personal problems. The synthesis shows that issues 1-2 are social problems, issue 3 is a physical problem, and issue 4 is a mental-intellectual problem. These issues cause incomplete quality-of-life, necessitating development through Buddhist ethics.
3. Quality of life improvement through Buddhist ethics reveals that: (1) Physical Aspect: developing through moral precepts (Sīla) promotes good health. (2) Mental Aspect: developing through meditation (Samādhi) fosters emotional well-being. (3) Intellectual Aspect: developing through wisdom meditation (Paññā Bhāvanā) enhances understanding of impermanence based on the Three Characteristics (Tilakkhaṇa). (4) Social Aspect: developing through physical meditation (Kāya Bhāvanā) and moral precepts (Sīla Bhāvanā) fosters compassion towards society and the environment, creating a welfare society. The results of this development make an individual a fully developed person with body, morality, mind, and wisdom, leading to physical and mental well-being.
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