The Model of Cremation Arrangements According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy in Roi Et Province
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The purposes of this research were; 1) to study of the concept and principles of cremation arrangement in Thai society, 2) to analyze of Theravada Buddhist philosophy related to cremation ceremonies in Roi Et Province, 3) to integrate of Theravada Buddhist philosophy in cremation arrangements in Roi Et Province, and 4) to offer the knowledge and the unique cremation arrangement models according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy. This research is qualitative research by studying data from Tripitaka, academic documents on Buddhism, and related research. The key informants are 15 qualified monks. The research instrument is an in-depth interview, and the research results are presented using a descriptive analytical method.
The results revealed that:
1. The main concepts of cremation in Thai society are 3: 1) the dedication of merit to the deceased person, 2) the belief in life after death, and 3) the continuation of local traditions in various ceremonies, such as the rice-giving festival and the 12 customs of the Isan people.
2. In addition, the important Theravada Buddhist philosophy is the 6 directions, which define the duties that people should perform towards each other, the 4 principles of faith, which emphasize belief in karma and the results of karma, and the 3 merit-making objects, which are guidelines for making merit, namely giving alms, keeping the precepts, and practicing meditation.
3. The results of the integration show that cremation ceremonies in Roi Et Province emphasize making merit and dedicating merit to the deceased according to the duties of children and grandchildren according to the 6 directions, and give importance to showing respect to the deceased according to the 4 principles of faith. In this regard, cremation ceremonies in the present era emphasize giving alms more than keeping the precepts and practicing meditation, which reflects changes in social and religious rituals.
4. This research offers the TRI-BP Model, which consists of 3 components: Tradition, Ritual, and The Integration of Buddhist Philosophy, to explain the systematic approach to organizing cremation ceremonies in Roi Et Province, emphasizing the importance of preserving traditions and integrating Buddhist principles into ceremonies. The TRI-BP Model reflects the preservation of the essence of traditions that emphasize gratitude, making merit to promote merit, and creating unity in the community through organizing cremation ceremonies that are unique.
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