The Development of Educational Management Model According to King's Science Guidelines by Using the Four Noble Truths and The Constructivism Theory as A Base to Promote the Innovative Teaching, Creative Thinking of The Border Patrol Police School in The Royal Patronage
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The purpose of this research were: 1) to study the educational management model according to the royal science guidelines based on the principles of the Four Noble Truths and constructivist theory, 2) to promote innovative media and creativity of students in the Border Patrol Police School under Royal Patronage, 3) to try and evaluate the model and to synthesize and develop the model using a mixed method approach (quantitative), consisting of qualitative research and R&D, the data obtained from the key informants were collected and operated by documentation, observation, interviews, analysis (SWOT Analysis) and a focus group discussion.
The results revealed that:
1. This educational institution was under the royal initiative project. It was a small school and had embraced 8 royal initiative projects as a base for educational administration. The entire projected are integrated according to the educational curriculum, i.e. important national, religious and international day projects, student development promotion projects with a compound of systematic thinking and working process. Promote and support students to take pride in receiving educational opportunities, teachers and educational personnel to have the capacity in educational to management education, to have stability in the professional, this has been supported by a strong with standardized school administration system.
2. For Model evaluation and creative innovation media, schools should arrange the environment to be shady and in order providing leavening sources both directly and indirectly for students to view and improve their learning skills in daily life, and while developing the curriculum to be consisted with the educational goals desired by students and the community desirable.
3. For synthesis and development of models, teachers should design learning activities in accordance with the content, using media in the naturally, they should surroundings within the school as a basis for thinking and design. According to Promote the development of personnel to have knowledge of and experience in using innovative media learning resources that have been tested and developed. As a center of teaching and learning management, to develop a completed model.
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