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Getting a doctorate degree while teaching at a university has become a norm that most teachers dream about. It might be true that once you become a PhD holder, you will receive higher payment, recognition, position, and self-confidence in return. However, the path towards the degree comes with psychological stress, financial burden, self-isolation, and, in many cases, illnesses. In this study, a PhD student shared her life's story of a six-year-long struggle with all the problems on the path towards her goal. The study utilized a qualitative methodology and collected data through a series of in-depth interviews. The narrative inquiry approach was adopted to report on the subject's life story, reflecting her physical and mental struggles amid the pressures surrounding her during the PhD study. The study also found that miscalculation and lack of readiness can lead a PhD student's life to unbearable despair. It is advised that PhD program management should ensure professionalism and provide measures to assist PhD students in timely graduation.
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