Lao Modern Songs and Culture Adaptation in Globalization

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ปิยวรรณ กันทอง


The objective of this article was to study the modernity in Lao modern songs and cultural adaptation in globalization. 30 Lao modern songs and music videos were analyzed from youtube website. The result found
that currently, Laotians openly adopted medias and cultures from overseas countries especially Thai television media. Hence, the influence of Thai media interfered their lifestyles. Besides, Lao people also affected the influence of Korean culture through Thai media. This phenomena showed that there are 3
components of cultural adaptation in Lao modern songs as following; 1. Thai cultural adoption 2. Korean cultural adoption 3. Western cultural adoption. These reflected the diversity of cultures playing a master role to Laotians nowadays. Lao modern songs referred to an alternative space representing the contemporary culture, core value, and social acceptance. The communication in globalization was considered as the significant component which change Lao modern songs during generation.

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How to Cite
กันทอง ป. (2019). Lao Modern Songs and Culture Adaptation in Globalization. Journal of Man and Society, 5(1), 84–100. Retrieved from
Research Article


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