Ways Forward to Develop Thai Displaced People’s Quality of Life: Communities of Klong Makarm Village and Klong Son Village, Hart Lek sub-district, Klongyai district, Trat province

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วชิราภรณ์ วรรณโชติ


The research on ways forward to develop Thai displaced people’s quality of life: study of the Thai displaced people residing in communities of Klong Makarm village and Klong Son village, Hart Lek sub-district, Klongyai district, Trat province is aimed at studying way of life and impacts from becoming Thai displaced people who hold identity card begun with zero number and ways forward to develop quality of life of the Thai displaced people residing in communities of Klong Makarm village and Klong Son village, Hart Lek sub-district, Klongyai district, Trat province by research methods of interview to key informants and focus group discussion.  Sample groups include 5 community leaders and mainstays of Thai displaced people network and 15 Thai displaced people holding identity card begun with zero number.  The research results that most Thai displaced people’s way of life work in fishery and employee occupations.  Local people and Thai displaced people from Kong Island are relatives in blood lineage; therefore, they have close relationship.  Grouping among Thai displaced people is found in a formation of mainstays and Thai displaced people network to claim for recovery of Thai Nationality with state agencies and assist Thai displaced people who are suffering from social, economic, education, political and administrative and habitation impacts. Some ways forward to develop Thai displaced people’s quality of life that sample groups need are educational development and occupational support.  Some obstacles to their self-development are time limit and being non-Thai nationals; therefore, they are unable to engage in personal business.  The researcher suggests that related state agencies should push for an urgent strategy of recovering Thai citizen and work out intensively with Thai displaced people. Every sector should bring about comprehension, good relationship, non-discrimination and public dissemination of news and information in order to enable the group of Thai displaced people to access and participate in development activities organized by related agencies.



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How to Cite
วรรณโชติ ว. (2019). Ways Forward to Develop Thai Displaced People’s Quality of Life: Communities of Klong Makarm Village and Klong Son Village, Hart Lek sub-district, Klongyai district, Trat province. Journal of Man and Society, 5(1), 37–48. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/216012
Research Article


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