The Persuasive Communication Strategies Through Personal Media on Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming Behavior of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province.

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สุธาทิพย์ เพื่อนงาม
Thiti Vitayasorana


                The purposes of research are 1) persuasive communication strategies the agricultural academic of Charoen Pokphand Foods Co., Ltd. 2) the correlation between persuasive communication strategies and the perception about Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province. 3) the correlation between perception and the behavior on Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province. The target respondents of this research are 307 farmers are multi-stage sampling method.
The data collection tool is questionnaires, data analysis are frequency distribution, percentage, mean and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

                The results of the research are as following: 1) Of the 12 persuasive communications strategies using by the agricultural academic of Charoen Pokphand Foods Co., Ltd., the most used 9 components are Promise,
Threat, Expertise (Negative), Liking, Pre-giving, Moral Appeal, Self-feeling (Positive), Altercating (Positive) and Alter casting (Negative). 2) The persuasive communication strategies are significantly related to the perception about Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province. 3) The perception are significantly related to the behavior about Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province.

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How to Cite
เพื่อนงาม ส., & Vitayasorana, T. (2020). The Persuasive Communication Strategies Through Personal Media on Litopenaeus Vannamei Farming Behavior of Farmers in Chachoengsao Province. Journal of Man and Society, 5(2), 27–46. Retrieved from
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