Tourism Behavior of Undergraduate Student in Cultural Tourism in Songkhla Province.

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นิธิกิตติกานต์ เหมสุวรรณ์


The research was to study the tourism behavior of undergraduate students.      In cultural tourism in Songkhla province by collecting data from a group of undergraduate students in higher education institutions in Songkhla province, the amount of 5 places 400 samples. The objective is to study the tourism behavior of undergraduate students in cultural tourism in Songkhla province. Analyze tourism factors and group according to factors in cultural tourism. by using a questionnaire is   a research tool and analyzes factors method for analyzing core components and factor axis rotation using Varimax method in grouping, K-Means group analysis technique.

The results of the study revealed that most of the tourism behavior, the most popular cultural tourism form, the folk culture, and festivals are popular to come with friends. On Saturday-Sunday the attraction is a unique way of life. Activities during tourism, Take photography, cultural activities of interest are to take a tricycle/tram around for sightseeing the most known and most visited cultural tourist attraction is the City Pillar Shrine. The analysis of components for grouping variables showed that from all 42 variables Able to extract factors in 6 aspects, Culture Cuisine and way of life factors, Belief and faith factors, olden factors, Environmental factors, History factor and culture exchange factors. K-Means grouping analysis be to 2 groups (K = 2)                1) cultural tourism 95.25% and 2) general tourism 4.75%.

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How to Cite
เหมสุวรรณ์ น. (2020). Tourism Behavior of Undergraduate Student in Cultural Tourism in Songkhla Province. Journal of Man and Society, 5(2), 159–176. Retrieved from
Research Article


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