Feminism Terms of Tale Literary Work “Phra Roth Meri” In Thai Version Feminism Terms of Tale Literary Work “Phra Roth Meri” In Thai Version

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nary un
นิตยา วรรณกิตร์


This research paper aims to study feminism in terms of tale literary work “Phra Roth Meri” in the Thai version. By investigating the collection of the tale literary work about five stories 13 rhymes, such as 1) 01rhyme of Roth Sencha Dok, 2) 01 rhyme of Kay Khab Mei in Phra Roth Meri story, 3) 01rhyme of Phra Roth Kham Klorn, 4) 03 rhymes of Phra Roth Nirat, and      5) 07 rhymes of drama articles in Phra Roth story, which the Fine Arts Department has been derived from the original Thai book and published in 2009.

          This research demonstrated that feminism terms of tale literary work "Phra Roth Meri" have divided into two types: the direct meaning of feminism terms and indirect meaning of feminism terms. The direct meanings of feminism terms consist of two characteristics: a single feminism term and mixed feminism terms. In contrast, the indirect meaning of feminism terms is linked to power and nature. These show that the development of feminism terms of tale literary work "Phra Roth Meri" in the Thai version is the ability of the author to use a variety of feminism terms to make the language perfect, which represents beauty, behavior, role, duty, and status of womanhood in tale literary work.  In addition, understanding the meaning of feminism terms associated with nature and power is considered linked to humans and nature, such as the naming feminism associated with lotus flowers, which represents the traditional notion that "lotus" is a symbol of femininity like beauty, purity.

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How to Cite
un, nary, & วรรณกิตร์ น. . (2021). Feminism Terms of Tale Literary Work “Phra Roth Meri” In Thai Version: Feminism Terms of Tale Literary Work “Phra Roth Meri” In Thai Version. Journal of Man and Society, 7(1), 131–147. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/243237
Research Article


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