The Physical Environment and Learning Activities for Early Childhood

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นิพัทธา หรรนภา


              The study of the physical environment and learning activities in early childhood aims to examine 1) to survey the physical environment in two child development centers, 2) to study learning development activities for young children, and 3) to determine the suitability of learning activities and space utility both learning centers. The scope of this study is the main child development centers of Thakhonyang Municipality and Ban Donna. It was a qualitative research project with data collection in which the researcher surveyed the physical environments and recorded learning activities in both learning centers. The target groups included two sets of young children separately spending their time for one week in each center in order to identify if those physical environments were suitable for learning activities.

           The findings show that both child development centers shared similar learning activities and children's behaviours: a single, independent task; a single task led by teachers; and a group task. Each center provided a physical environment to facilitate various learning activities and children's behaviours. The environment in the Thankhonyang Child Center was small, with a multi-purpose area in the middle of the hall, which was adjustable concerning equipment used for certain activities all day long. That required teachers to be prepared to recreate the space and equipment, allowing children to learn in the same environment throughout the day. For Ban Donna Child Center, the physical environment was explicitly designated for particular activities and organised orders of space utility. It can be concluded that learning activities and children's expected behaviours are suitable for the physical environments provided for children. These designated spaces will help teachers efficiently create the activities and attract students’ learning interest in connection with selected activities.

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How to Cite
หรรนภา น. (2022). The Physical Environment and Learning Activities for Early Childhood. Journal of Man and Society, 7(2), 57–72. Retrieved from
Research Article


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