Polysemy of ‘live’ in Lao: A Cognitive Semantic Study

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Thananan Trongdee


The word /juu33/ or ‘to live’ is another word with many meanings in the Lao language. Using the cognitive semantic approach as a theoretical framework, the purposes of this study are 1) to subcategorize the meanings of /juu33/ in Lao and 2) to investigate the processes for semantic extension of the meaning of /juu33/. Data were collected from short texts in Lao textbooks and Lao Corpus. The findings indicate that the prototypical meaning of /juu33/ has been extended into seven meanings. Four lexical meanings include ‘to live somewhere’, ‘to live’, ‘ to be somewhere’ and ‘ to be still’. Three grammatical meanings are ‘to be somewhere’, ‘to be going on’, and ‘to be certain’. The semantic extension of the prototypical meaning of /juu33/ involves three cognitive processes: metaphor, metonymy, and subjectification.

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How to Cite
Trongdee, T. (2023). Polysemy of ‘live’ in Lao: A Cognitive Semantic Study. Journal of Man and Society, 9(2), 7–30. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/244768
Research Article


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