Value Added Creation of Reed Mats Weaving Transforming For Community Economy. A Case Study: Ban Nongsim Prueyai Sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting Sisaket Rajabhat University

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เพ็ญลักษณ์ อ่อนทรวง


The purpose of this study was to study the potential of reed mats woven by the learning process of various factors in the occupation of reed mat weaving and methods of creating value-added reed mats manufactured at Ban Nong Sim, Prue Yai Sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province, by using mixed methods research, using questionnaire interviewing and workshops. During the period of AD. 2561 – 2562.   


         The study findings indicated that this community has the potential to weave reed mats due to the strength of the internal capital, which was a suitable area for reed plant cultivation. It can produce reed raw materials. There are materials, equipment in production, labor and knowledge in weaving mats. As it could be, earning how to weave the reed mats of Nong Sim villagers was caused by costs within the community through the continuous and dynamic participatory learning process that would promote the variety of reed mats application. Under economic factors to the creation of processing reed mats to boost community economy, caused by the need to create value-added transforming reed mats into new products, transformed into a reed mat pillow, made a keychain, and hats make their own product identity. For the turtleback pattern, the members of the weaving reed mats would like to transform them into pillows. It has a total population mean (μ) on the scale of 4.82 and a standard deviation (σ) of 0.30.

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How to Cite
อ่อนทรวง เ. . . (2022). Value Added Creation of Reed Mats Weaving Transforming For Community Economy. A Case Study: Ban Nongsim Prueyai Sub-district, Khukhan District, Sisaket Province: Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting Sisaket Rajabhat University. Journal of Man and Society, 7(2), 97–114. Retrieved from
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