The process of developing caregivers based on community concepts for appropriate practices for early childhood development Base Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University and Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts4

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PakornChai suphat et al.,


               This research aims to investigate the knowledge and the processes of developing caregivers based on community concepts for appropriate practices for early childhood development Base. This paper is qualitative
research that focuses on describing true nature. The author applied Purposive Sampling because informants have to have experience in child care to cover all staff data (20 people). Methods of collecting information included the
documents, in-depth interviews and observations while interviewing. 

                The study results showed that the process of developing child care according to the community concept, which is appropriate for early childhood development, has the essential elements: 1) the issue of building a relationship with children, 2) the issues of building relationships with parents in good cooperation between families, 3) the issue of environmental management to promote health and safety and 4) the issue of organization
of the environment to promote a learning environment that promotes early childhood learning to provide the space. 1.5) The issue of learning management that promotes the development organization of learning activities. 1.6) The issue of individual developmental assessment of the children’s development and growth. 1.7) The issue of the condition of the workload of child care teachers - who joined this research – take responsibility as caretakers and child development supervisors. In addition, the data analyses also revealed that the conditions of success in managing child care at the organizational level consisted of three main elements. First, the executives have to follow up on their work by focusing on the work of the subordinates. They also need to promote workshops on teamwork and collaboration. Finally, the culture and working atmosphere need to be created to support learning new things, bringing knowledge, and working more effectively.

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How to Cite
suphat et al., P. (2022). The process of developing caregivers based on community concepts for appropriate practices for early childhood development Base: Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University and Chanthaburi College of Dramatic Arts4 . Journal of Man and Society, 7(2), 41–56. Retrieved from
Research Article


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