The Rights, Liberty and Participation of The People in Local Government According to The Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand Political Science, Department of Political Science, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

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Jennarong Pankom
Piyalak Phothiwan


The purposes of the current study are to study the progress of rights, liberties, and participation of people in local administration organizations, to describe the characteristics of rights, liberties, and participation of people in local administration organizations, and to introduce a guideline for protecting rights, liberties, and participation of peoples in local administration organization based on the constitution of Kingdom of Thailand. The results are as follows. Regarding the development of rights, liberties, and participation of people in local administration organizations based on the constitutions of the Kingdom of Thailand in 1997, 2007, and 2017, it was found that rights and liberties are always considered a core principle of Thai democracy. It shows the attempts to develop the government system of Thailand following the principles of universal democracy. In terms of characteristics of rights, liberties, and participation of people in local administration organizations, it was found that the 1997 constitution focuses on constructing the knowledge of rights and liberties for the people; meanwhile, the 2007 constitution emphasizes the rights to know the people. This widens people's rights to know the information of government units. Moreover, the 2007 constitution also issues personal information that labels individual information directly and indirectly. Lastly, the 2017 constitution widens the rights to know, stating that people have the right to know the information of the government units before any actions are taken...

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How to Cite
Pankom, J., & Phothiwan, P. . (2022). The Rights, Liberty and Participation of The People in Local Government According to The Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand: Political Science, Department of Political Science, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. Journal of Man and Society, 7(2), 115–134. Retrieved from
Research Article


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