A study on the effects of using social media on the risk of depression and suicidal ideation for the case study of high school students of the extra-large schools in Mueang Maha Sarakham District

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Sujitta Suraphee
Sagowjai Thung-jan
Sasiwipa Sermsiri
Siriluck Jermjitpornchai
Witchaya Rattanametawee


The purposes of this research article were to study the behavior of using social media, having depression, and suicidal ideation and investigate the association between family relationships and all of them, including to compare the risk of depression and suicidal ideation as a result of social media addiction. A total sample size of 376 students was selected by stratified systematic sampling. The results from analysis of the data were as follows. 1) Most students spent 6 - 9 hours a day on social media via Facebook/Instagram. Their objective of using social media was for entertainment. The percentage of social media addiction and depression were 83.78 and 41.49 respectively. The students had a severe suicidal ideation accounted for 3.72%. 2) Family relationship was associated with social media addiction, depression, and suicidal ideation. 3) Students who were addicted to social media are at higher risk of depression than students who were not addicted to social media. Depressed students in the social media addict group were more likely to a chance of suicide than those with depression in the non-social media addict group.

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How to Cite
Suraphee, S. ., Thung-jan, S. ., Sermsiri, S., Jermjitpornchai, S. ., & Rattanametawee, W. . (2022). A study on the effects of using social media on the risk of depression and suicidal ideation for the case study of high school students of the extra-large schools in Mueang Maha Sarakham District. Journal of Man and Society, 8(1), 149–165. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/husocjournal/article/view/250363
Research Article


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