The Use of English Language in Expressing Thai Cultural Words

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Kanchalike Treeklangdorn
Aungkana Sukwises
Nannalin Insamien


This research aims to categorize cultural words and study strategies of using English cultural words to convey Thai culture. The data is collected from “Thai passage” in “Sawasdee” E-magazine, an in-flight magazine of Thai Airways International Public Company Limited. The researchers adopt Nida’s framework (1975) in analyzing and categorizing cultural words. Also, the cross-cultural communication strategies used in this study were based on Baker’s framework (1992). For the findings, 265 cultural words were found and can be categorized into 4 groups including ecology cultural words, material cultural words, linguistic cultural words, and social cultural words. The uses of English language to express Thai cultural words were 1) using a loan word or loan words plus explanation 2) paraphrasing by using unrelated words 3) using literal meaning 4) cultural substitution 5) omission 6) using more general words 7) paraphrasing by using related words and 8) using more neutral or less expressive words.

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How to Cite
Treeklangdorn, K., Sukwises, A., & Insamien, N. (2022). The Use of English Language in Expressing Thai Cultural Words. Journal of Man and Society, 8(1), 51–69. Retrieved from
Research Article


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