Lacquer Colors Art Works: Dissemination and Study of Knowledge for Restoration and Conservation

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Sanan Rattana
Soamshine Boonyananta
Nathathai Jansen
Thitapha Rattana
Kitnithi Katkaew
Suchart Imsamraan


Thai lacquer colors art works are a unique and beautiful technique, but there are fewer successors who create works like this. This results in a lack of skilled artists and those with academic knowledge. This research aims to study and disseminate lacquer Colors Art Works. That leads to the restoration and conservation of it. It is survey research by collecting data from related documents, research, and learning resources in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province, Bangkok, and Vietnam to study Thai lacquer colors art work’s history, materials, and creating procedure. The research tools include a content analysis form from document studies and research.
The researcher used experiments on creative techniques and methods to collect the data. Analyze data using content analysis. The results of this research are the evolution of Thai lacquer colors art works, materials and equipment, Steps for preparing the Vietnamese lacquer board, and the process of creating Thai lacquer colors art works. Knowledge of Thai lacquer colors art works should be disseminated in a manual, media, or workshop training.

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How to Cite
Rattana, S., Boonyananta, S., Jansen, N., Rattana, T., Katkaew, K., & Imsamraan, S. (2023). Lacquer Colors Art Works: Dissemination and Study of Knowledge for Restoration and Conservation. Journal of Man and Society, 9(2), 55–76. Retrieved from
Research Article


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