The Development of Social Capital to Strengthen the Community Empowerment A Case Study Culture Village Phu Tai Ban Khok Kong in Kuchinarai District Kalasin Province

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Ampon Boonpinich


The research has the following objectives: 1) To study a social capital development model and a community strengthening model. 2) To promote an exchange of learning and to propel a community to be a community prototype for social capital management.The research team divided the scope of the study into two aspects: 1) Area scope; Kutwa Sub-district, Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province. 2) Content scope. This research determined three aspects of contents as follows: 1) Forms and processes of people’s participation 2) Methods and the community strengthening model studied in order to achieve the best practice management   3) The support to create a community prototype under the cooperation of all sectors of the community, including people in the community, community leaders, and local government agencies...

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How to Cite
Boonpinich, A. (2023). The Development of Social Capital to Strengthen the Community Empowerment A Case Study Culture Village Phu Tai Ban Khok Kong in Kuchinarai District Kalasin Province. Journal of Man and Society, 9(2), 139–156. Retrieved from
Research Article


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