Classifcation of wordsin Thai Language textbook : Lexicase Grammar

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Phittawat Champa


For classification of wordsin Thai Language textbook. The academic have
classified of several aspects without standard because of the Thai Language textbook which appeared since the Ayutthaya period was purposed to use as the textbook in communication, recording the culture, writing form. There has several authors that made the differed classification by their purpose principally and time is significant factor of changing such type because in the present. Thailand influenced by the foreign countries that made more type of words. This article was purpose to use the Lexicase Grammar by concept of Stanley Starota that is a study and correlation to syntax of the words with other vocabulary as the classification pattern of words in Thai language correctly including...

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How to Cite
Champa, P. . (2024). Classifcation of wordsin Thai Language textbook : Lexicase Grammar. Journal of Man and Society, 4(2), 85–96. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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