The Representation of Thai Gay in the Yaoi novel “2 Moons”: Reproducing political ideology of sexuality in Thai society

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Anucha Pimsak


This research aimed to present therepresentation of Thai homosexuality in teen romance novels, the Yaoi novel “2 Moons”. The study indicated that the novels reproduced the image of Thai sexuality which was the gender of Thai ideology that reinforced patriarchal ideology to divide the male and female according to heterosexual framework. Even gay was determined the gender through language in a gay novel “anime” or “Gay King”with a sexual offender by offering a character whose personality and behavior similar to the images of men in social values of Thai society to the show of strength, physical, speech expression of masculinity. For the type of “Queen Gay” was presented through the images of womenin the neatness, introvert, cooking and petulant including...

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How to Cite
Pimsak, A. . (2024). The Representation of Thai Gay in the Yaoi novel “2 Moons”: Reproducing political ideology of sexuality in Thai society. Journal of Man and Society, 4(2), 111–126. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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