Karen The Fragility of Imagined Nation and State

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Pichet Saiphan


The paper points to the Karen ethno-nationalism movement that have been processed over 70 years. During the lasted long period, the movement had started with the creation of Karen ethnic community based on ethnolinguistic, Karen speaking people of the Tibeto – Burman language group and the creation of Karen primordialism ideological characteristic. In order to construct the group together with Karen ethnic consciousness and ethno-nationalism. The invent of “Kawtoolei” Karen separatist State is the product of imagined nation and State. By the way, within the diversity of any Karen groups, such as Sgow, Pwo, Karenni, Bwe, even Christian Karen, Buddhist Karen, Animism Karen, have been shaped different identity and political ideology. Consequently, the ever movement of the Karen ethno-nationalism is fragile with Karen diversity ideology and identity that propose the differentiation of Karen imagined Nation and State than the Unity Karen that they had ever imagined.

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How to Cite
Saiphan, P. (2021). Karen The Fragility of Imagined Nation and State. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 4(1), 6–42. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasac/article/view/240757
Research Article


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