Creating an Identity in the Virtual Social World through Commu E.O.S

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Phattharin Chitwasinkun
Pinwadee Srisupan


This research article purpose to; first, study the reasons why case studies come into play Commu, second, to study self-expression and interaction in Commu, and third, to study the impact of commissions in real-world. The E.O.S Commu is a case study. By using a qualitative research method, the research collect the data from relevant documents, in-depth interviews, and using open-end questionnaire online. The concept of the virtual community and identity are analyzed.

          It was found that firstly, participation in the Cummu of E.O.S.members as a case study come from mutual interest in playing commu. By beginning with sharing through Facebook pages until joining the ‘Commu Advertising Group’ or from the persuasion of friends or acquaintances. Secondly, the expression of the identity and the interaction in the Commu, collectively 'Ori', is related to the real identity of the player. Its characteristics are similar to players in real life, such as traits, preferences, or something dislikes, etc.. It is also not similar to players in real life, but the player desire to exist their real life in the world of immagination. And thirdly, the impact of Commo to the players, it was found that the case studies has a positive impact includings increasing their skills such as drawing, writing fiction, etc, the ability to interact with the real world, and helps to understand the diversity of ideas of people in Commum.

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How to Cite
Chitwasinkun, P., & Srisupan, P. (2021). Creating an Identity in the Virtual Social World through Commu E.O.S. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 4(1), 156–187. Retrieved from
Research Article


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