The Conceptual and Theoretical Review of Revitalization of Local Culture

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Narupon Duangwises


This paper aims to explore and investigate the relevant understanding of theoretical frameworks, concepts and paradigms that explain and describe the cultural revitalization of ethnic groups and indigenous people. Meanwhile, it critically questions the cultural definition and the way of life of local people generated in the modern society, which is consistent to and harmonized with the power of the twenty-first century neoliberalism. Besides, the paper also indicates that various concepts and theories defined and determined the cultural succession and preservation among ethnic groups are connected to the identity politics, process of cultural commodification, capitalist agenda, consumerism and tourism industries.

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How to Cite
Duangwises, N. (2020). The Conceptual and Theoretical Review of Revitalization of Local Culture. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 3(1), 38–75. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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