From ‘Older Person’ to ‘Elder Teacher’: The Life Journey and Meaning of Aging of Tai-Dam Elderlies

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Nuttawut Singkul


This paper focuses on the meaning and experience of elderly Tai-Dam, using an ethnographic methodology, participant observations, and fieldwork. The fieldwork was conducted for one year during 2017-2018 in the Tai-Dam villages of Nakhon Pathom Province. The researcher used 20 in-depth interviews with an elderly Tai-Dam, narrative analyses from 4 story-telling of an elderly Tai-Dam. Findings indicated that the journey of an elderly Tai-dam, began with gender differences between elderly Tai- Dam men and Tai-Dam women, who have different social roles. But at the same time, they are under the same ethnicity that is based on the traditional culture system of ghosts and ancestors. The eternal journey is a returning to the family under the new status in the afterlife that is responsible for preserving the descendants of the family as ancestral spirits that creates meaning for aging of an elderly Tai Dam in both social and cultural functions that create acceptance within the community.

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How to Cite
Singkul, N. (2020). From ‘Older Person’ to ‘Elder Teacher’: : The Life Journey and Meaning of Aging of Tai-Dam Elderlies. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 3(1), 164–203. Retrieved from
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