Lesson Learned from Participatory Action-based Community Research Case Studies of Moving on “Good Agricultural Practice” and “Ban Na Green Market”

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Ekarin Phungpracha


The aim of this article is to take the lesson learned 1) a participatory action-based community research to move community in the dimensions of good agricultural practice and community green markets, 2) the impacts of participatory action-based community research, resulting in social conflicts, and 3) ways to dissolve the conflicts. A filed research is Ban Na, Dansai District, Loei Province. As research methodology, the article applies participatory action-based community and synthesizes documents relating to the study issues. The result indicated that participatory action-based community research to move a community needs to be adapted to the situation of the community. The most important thing is that researchers must to learn a community in various dimensions. Resulting from the research, the social conflicts are beyond the research plan. To solve the problem, the research project makes an informal meeting to negotiate, dialogues and listening, with local leaders and other parties.   

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How to Cite
Phungpracha, E. (2021). Lesson Learned from Participatory Action-based Community Research Case Studies of Moving on “Good Agricultural Practice” and “Ban Na Green Market”. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 4(1), 82–116. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasac/article/view/244149
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