Critique of Cultural Essentialism in the Multicultural Policy of Thai State

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Narupon Duangwises


This article is a review and critique of the multicultural policy of the Thai state. This study is based on the operational results of the administration and development policies of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC). I would point out that under the implementation of this policy, the Thai state does not understand the dynamics and complexities inherent in people's practice. The Thai state tries to make Buddhists, Muslims, Thai-Chinese and ethnic groups have a fixed identity and authentic culture so that the state can more easily control and organize their cultural activities. The cultural arrangement in this way is the reproduction of cultural essence inherent in the idea of ​​multiculturalism. In addition, I will point out some arguments in Western society about the concept of multiculturalism and post-multiculturalism. This leads to question the meaning of 'culture' and multicultural policies of modern states that exist in the politics of civil rights, democracy and social equality. These arguments will help to understand the limitations of the multicultural policy of the Thai state today.

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How to Cite
Duangwises, N. (2021). Critique of Cultural Essentialism in the Multicultural Policy of Thai State. Journal of Anthropology, Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre (JASAC), 4(1), 117–155. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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