Creating New Politics In The Current Situation

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Thonongsak Narpo


        Political development is a process. Of changes in the form and content of the political system With the point of being meant for democracy Which is the desirable political system of the political development process In the end, the historical path of political administration in every country will end with the democratic regime. In other words, democracy is the destination of the regime of every country. Thai politics at present It is known that it is important and always been watched by people in Thailand for political matters. Because it is extremely important for the well-being of the people Which, from many years ago, have to admit that Thailand has had many political crises Each time there will be a different intensity and interaction. Which resulted in Thai politics, Thailand full of long-term tension Both from the government and in many parties, including all people Therefore to be able to cope with various situations always We should keep up with news and political stories all the time. Therefore, there are guidelines for development, namely political reform. Strengthening democratic political culture Education system development Economic system development Development of an effective bureaucracy Social development By trying to raise people in society

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How to Cite
Narpo, T. . . (2016). Creating New Politics In The Current Situation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(2), 9–17. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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