Thai Judicial Institute Judicial Standards

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Somphong Weanjanlasee


        Barriers to access to justice are caused by many factors related to the economy. Social structure And government agencies, important problems, difficulties, spoons and cost of legal process, slow fatigue in access to justice The trouble with the spoon of the relevant legal system is that there are no tools to enforce the rights. Personal factors such as property, performance Or that person's understanding of justice Various physical locations and conditions that hinder access to justice, such as obstacles of location and inaccessibility Legal services that are not convenient. Which comes from the factors of public transport that have There is a high price, a shortage of experts to provide legal advice in remote areas, lack of legal positions in remote areas, prosperity Or in other words, those who do not receive justice Equally Is a group of underprivileged people in that society

        The judicial process that takes a long time High costs that cause people to not receive justice, lack of clans, lawyers or legal representatives who are ethical and sensitive, abuse of power in the search, seizure, arrest and detention and law enforcement That does not have performance Restrictions on Heals the damage whether it is law or practice in practice Which most legal systems do not Can provide remedies for damage with preventive measures In a timely fashion Not discriminatory, complete, sufficient, fair and as a deterrent

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How to Cite
Weanjanlasee, S. . . (2016). Thai Judicial Institute Judicial Standards. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 1(2), 25–36. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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