Organization Standards In The 4.0 Ear

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Liknit Sisaenchai


        This article aims to analyze the context of the administrative organization's challenge to drive local innovation in the Thai 4.0 era as an organization that has been decentralized from government to public policy or innovation development. Especially in the development of a new economic development strategy with innovation in the era of Thailand 4.0 as a framework for economic development which is a great challenge

        In the context of Thailand 4.0, the organization focuses on becoming an intelligent organization. By applying digital technology to cover the work processes linked to customers and business partners Or even bring digital technology to create new business models According to the process called digital transformation To achieve the goal of strengthening the organization Raise the level of competitiveness Based on innovation and creativity Which is extremely challenging because of digital transformation Not just removing the computer and completing the mission The most obvious example is the banking business. Startup groups, most of which are born in the digital world (born digital) while digital organizations. There are innovations and appropriate business models. Can grow leapfrog Until becoming a digital disruptor and borderless market structure As well as the time that new innovations Has been accepted and spread throughout the world, using a much shorter period Makes the flow of change more accelerated like exponential and enters the "era of fast fish eating fish slowly". Organizational style, traditional business model Original management concepts and principles How long can it still be used? Especially those in the industry that have a large number of digital disruptors, the authors would like to compile ideas from many parts to be presented in this article. To be a brain food for you to bring to the next level

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How to Cite
Sisaenchai, L. . (2017). Organization Standards In The 4.0 Ear. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 2(1), 1–15. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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