Creating A Change In Political Culture To Sustainable Reform

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Phornpipat Thongprasoet


        Creating a political change for reform needs to focus on raising awareness for the majority of people outside the educational system. Faith, confidence and adherence are the guidelines instead. Campaign to strengthen the understanding of democracy in other political reforms. "In addition to the written law, Thai society will be created as ประชาธิปไตย Social democracy '(Social democracy) is not just a country with a democratic regime, as written by the Constitution. Education must come before The democratic regime has an important heart. Therefore must be educated to the public in both forms (Non-formal education) and non-formal forms (non-formal education) in order to allow people to have a democratic spirit known to maintain and protect their rights. Citizenship and social responsibility Nonetheless, things that are more difficult than creating democracy in accordance with the Civic Culture guidelines have been created to be a "weakness" between "Westernization" and "Easternity" (including cultural guidelines Civic-cultural politics, municipalities) to be "acceptable ingredients", reception with Thai society in modern times

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How to Cite
Thongprasoet, P. . (2017). Creating A Change In Political Culture To Sustainable Reform. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 2(2), 1–18. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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