Establishing Standards For Personnel Development Within The Organization

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Amontep Thongsima


        The administration of the organization today Human resources can be considered as a resource. Very important to the organization. One factor is that If the organization is free of human resources Knowledge and ability May not be able to develop the organization to achieve the desired result, which raises the question that How to develop personnel in the organization to have potential and have Maximum work efficiency

        Leadership and human resource development By planning individual personnel development Understand the organization's goals Explore who needs to develop in any matter. Planning for short-term and long-term development together Set standards for evaluating success. Make success The development of personnel potential in the organization Personality adjustment for self-improvement Create a strategy to increase performance Successful organizational communication in the organization

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How to Cite
Thongsima, A. . (2018). Establishing Standards For Personnel Development Within The Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(1), 1–16. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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