Management Of The Thinking Process In The Human Relation

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Nissanai pholtham


        This article focuses on the importance of human resource management skills, namely the success of the work. What created the change of administration is to drive the work within the organization to move forward by relying on others by being leaders, guidance and motivation. Perseverance of others towards the goals of the organization Encouragement Communication, planning and management

        Management must be expert. 1. The executive must be stable. 2. The executive must use the experience and ability of others to be useful. 3. The executive must not boast of power. 4. Management Must admit their mistakes. 5. The executives must be straightforward. 6. The executives must have human relations. 7. The executives must initiate themselves. 8. The management must not be afraid to train the assistant. When you move up to the position 9. told him not to keep the matter quiet. 10. Administrators must always read the class. Must use knowledge, techniques, new ideas For greater progress

        Leading to laying the foundation in the thinking process Basic knowledge about analytical thinking Practice of analytical thinking process to occur Requires knowledge of teaching how to think There are 5 steps for the development process: 1. Preparation 2. Presentation of problems, situation, schedule, thinking individually 3. Training in thinking in small groups 4. Presentation or discussion of the results 5. Process evaluation Think

        Such thinking process is the base for the change of the base of the motto. Of social persons to understand in order of steps There is a plan as a conceptual process when adjusting the total thinking practice will affect the analytical thinking process, including 1. Problem identification 2. Identification of the problem location 3. Specifying the time when the incident occurred . Identification of the cause of the problem 5. Identification of relevant persons 6. Specifying details of what has happened

        Conversational communication skills Or a group of people who have a conversation Experience and things By dividing into 7 essential skills as follows: 1. Self-disclosure and healing. 2. Self-respect and dialogue. 3. Effective listening. 4. Understanding the person with compassion and not judging. . Reflection of feelings 6. Clarification of understanding 7. Support

        The important thing that service providers rely on to realize in order to create human relations is 1. It is a physical adaptation. 2. It is an intellectual adjustment. 3. An emotional adjustment.

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How to Cite
pholtham, N. . (2018). Management Of The Thinking Process In The Human Relation. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(2), 16–28. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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