Operationnal Planning In The 4.0 Eraorganization

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Knannika Aut-tathong


        Performance planning in the 4.0 era organization to drive Innovation development organization based on the new economic development strategy Is a framework for economic and administrative development Drive Thailand development In the past The original development resulted in Economic organization and including national level Income is at a medium to low level, with economic and social inequality, lack of development as a major turning point. To local economic development Which is the foundation of organizational development Changed from doing very little Is very small Focus on driving with techno Technology and innovation Of high technology Adopting technology to be used in organizations For economic development is still low The government has an important concept in driving the organization by using the state power. So that all sectors can join together to draw different organizations to use Both political and administrative Decentralization is a concept that requires both democracy and development. (Development) to be democratic To have decentralized organization that is one mechanism to lead to goals By providing opportunities for people Got involved In the decision-making process In the planning of operations in the 4.0 era organization

        Nowadays, many organizations have management for organizational development. The planning of work has been done in a variety of social, economic and political trends in a globalized world. Therefore is a challenge for organizations to develop mechanisms to create, modify and develop skills The administrative process of politics and the process of participation of the organization so that the organization can operate Public to meet the needs of the people And especially At present, Thailand is a member of ASEAN community with cooperation in development Countries in terms of economy, security, society and culture As a result, localities must adjust their vision and deal with more diversity.

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How to Cite
Aut-tathong, K. . (2018). Operationnal Planning In The 4.0 Eraorganization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 3(2), 40–51. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/240295
Academic Article


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