Leadership Principles With Quality Team Building Processes

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Phornpipat Thongprasoet


        This article is an article that reflects the leadership that has a quality team building process, where the leader is the person who has been appointed or regarded as the leader and the decision maker. Because it is capable of supervising And will take subordinates Or people in a way that is good or not, with a type that can be analyzed according to By adhering to 2 criteria as follows: 1) considering the use of power 2) considering the work philosophy classified into 4 methods of study, which is the first method, studied by the leader who has acquired the power, the second method studied by the leader Power. The third method studied from the role that the leader expressed. The fourth method studied from the acquisition of positions.

        Good leadership features Should consist of the following important characteristics: 1. Knowledge 2. Initiative 3. Courage 4. Decisiveness 5. Justice 6. Patience 6. Enthusiasm 6. Unselfishness 6. Compassion 10. Loyalty 11. Self-control

        Creating a team working process is the ability to drive or influence others to achieve individual or group goals. Where the leader must have a method of performing duties to be a leader in team building By the duty of the leader Will have to do 2 types of duties, namely the main duties and duties Such a process, the leader must have a finer way of thinking in creating a team, namely: 1. Being a planning of the operation 2. Being a manager of the group 3. Being the policy maker 4. Being an expert 5. Being an educator 6. Being 6. The judge chooses the objectives of the group to achieve the work. Or members in the group to achieve work. 6. Being a supervisor. 10. Being a job appraiser.

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How to Cite
Thongprasoet, P. . (2019). Leadership Principles With Quality Team Building Processes. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 4(1), 12–30. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/240297
Academic Article


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