Creating Successful Project Management Efficiency

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Taweechai Saengnuson


        Creating effective project management for success requires both science and art in management. Which consists of the relationship between the inputs And the results To create the lowest cost of resources Which is a correct act By considering how to use resources to minimize or save Which takes into account the 5 elements: cost, quality, quantity, time, method of production

        Organization performance In addition to considering resources such as people, money and materials that are input factors And the organization's productivity by operating in a hierarchy that consists of planning Organizing the organization of supervision and control in order to achieve one of the objectives laid down together.

        Any system development project Which will require effective project management for the project Can proceed according to the time and budget specified Various functions Application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to implement the project requirements to achieve the objectives Requires expertise And existing capabilities Cooperation of teams, tools, appliances and facilities, as well as system information, work, techniques and time

        The project management has three differences: 1) Scope 2) Time 3) All expenses must be given priority. And must look at these 3 matters to understand clearly, which is called the 3 regulations of project management This may cause the importance of project management. Which has 8 important points as follows: 1) It is a tool that helps management to be implemented and developed. According to the vision Mission and Goals 2) Helping control of resources on time, budget effectively 3) Helping to coordinate smoothly Not solve the problem 4) help the personnel with the power of work 5) help the quality of education higher And the quality of the people progressing

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How to Cite
Saengnuson, T. . (2019). Creating Successful Project Management Efficiency. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 4(1), 31–42. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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