Techniques For Creating Effectiveness Of Operations To Achieve Results With The Organization

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Supachat Singsamrong


Techniques for creating effectiveness of operations to achieve results with that organization The organization must have a clear and effective way to create the effectiveness of the work, that is, the effectiveness of any action or effort that is intended to achieve something. How much of an action or effort will be                     effective, depending on whether the results are complete, quantitatively and qualitatively. And how little energy is used? Effectiveness may be     considered as 2 levels, namely the effectiveness of the person and the effectiveness of the organization. With the criteria of the effectiveness of the organization consisting of 5 indicators: 1) production 2) efficiency 3) satisfaction) 4) change 5) development with the criteria for determining effectiveness 1. assessment criteria Effectiveness must reflect the entire cycle of the process feeder and output. 2. The effectiveness evaluation criteria must reflect the relationship between the organization and the condition. The Environment Agency is located

        The operation is part of the operations that affect the effectiveness of the organization. May convey the direction of the administration of the organization in various dimensions such as 1. Characteristics, gestures of employees Manner 2. Ability and intelligence, ability 3. Attitude and values ​​Attitude 4. Motivation

        Factors that influence work performance consist of: 1. Strategies regarding determination of vision and mission Analysis of weaknesses, internal strengths and opportunities, including external barriers. 2. The appropriate organizational structure helps facilitate operations. 3. The organization's system that achieves the goals of the executive management. To achieve the organization's goals 5. Personnel in the organization 6. The ability of employees in the organization 6. Joint values ​​of employees in the organization

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How to Cite
Singsamrong, S. . (2019). Techniques For Creating Effectiveness Of Operations To Achieve Results With The Organization. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 4(1), 43–58. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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