Development of Academic cooperation Networking Model of Chalerm Phra Kiat School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Shatchawal Singhathong
Premjit Kajonpai Larsen
Chopetch Boutngern
Marut Patphol


        The purpose of this research To develop a network model of cooperation between academic institutions of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission The composition of the network of cooperation between academic institutions of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission In the presentation in the discussion group that has 11 experts
        The results of the research showed that There are 9 elements in total. The main components are: 1. Principles of the cooperative network model of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group 2. The objectives of the cooperative network of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group 3. Important activities that enhance the effectiveness of the network mission of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group. 4. Scope and mission of the academic institution management of the Chalerm Phrakiat School Group 5 Techniques for how to develop network members of the Chalermprakiet School group 6. Good characteristics of the network leaders of Chalermprakiet School group. 7. The network role and reflection of the Chalermprakiet School group 8. The structure of the network of the Chalerm Phrakiat School group 9. Network Management of Chalermprakiet School Group Each main element has a total of 59 sub-elements.

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How to Cite
Singhathong, S. ., Kajonpai Larsen , P. ., Boutngern , C. . ., & Patphol, M. . (2020). Development of Academic cooperation Networking Model of Chalerm Phra Kiat School under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 231–245. Retrieved from
Research Article


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