Public Administration and Sustainable Local Development

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Songphon Choutikavatchagul
Supitchaya Kaewponthong
Sawat hadpagdee
Phusit Pulanram
Sakaoduean Phimphisan5


        The management of government agencies must consider the principles of good governance.Public interest, Civilization and democratic valuesCoupled with work, this paper had an attempt to analyze how public administration paradigm and sustainable local development should be for the future systematic, are inputs that of public interest; such as demands from the local community. Processes incorporate:1) Policy setting, take the policy to do and evaluate.2) Management according to sufficiency economy philosophy. 3) Participatory management.4) Management is aimed at achieving the 6 dimension of quality and effectiveness, social responsibility dimension of demand response, is the dimension of public participation; with the outcome being outcome and no corruption being present. People have to respect each other, and the law talks about output. Output takes policy to be used in effect. Outcome means everyone feels satisfy with the results of something. For example, these people and organizations involved are; government officials, employees, the public, politicians, contractors, and inspectors. Ultimate Outcomes are of public benefit; of which meet the needs and demands of the community. Feedback is given to stakeholders before and after an operation. In summary, this all will lead to sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental areas of society.

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How to Cite
Choutikavatchagul, S. ., Kaewponthong, S. ., hadpagdee, S. . ., Pulanram, P. ., & Phimphisan5, S. . (2020). Public Administration and Sustainable Local Development. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(1), 262–271. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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