A Confirmatory Model for Strategic Management of North Eastern Rajabhat University Cluster

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Anucha Lavongom


        The research aimed 1) to investigate the major components and sub-components of strategic management of the northeastern Rajabhat University cluster, 2) to examine a model for assessing the major components and sub-components of strategic management of the northeastern Rajabhat universities and 3) to confirm the model for assessing the major components and sub-components of strategic management of the northeastern Rajabhat universities. Mixed methods research was employed for the study. The sample subjects were two hundred and ninety fiveexecutives of the northeastern Rajabhat universities consisting of low-level, middle-level and high level executives. They were selected by stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The data was collected by questionnaires and descriptive analysis was employed for the research. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and descriptive analysis.
        The researchfindings were as follows:
        1.The research findings showed that the three major components of strategic management of the northeastern Rajabhat University clusterconsisted of organizational culture, strategic leadership and organizational innovation. The ten sub-components of strategic management of the universities were integration, achievement motivation, human resource management, strategic thinking skills, problem resolution and decision, communication and negotiation, building motivation and drives, systematical management, creative thinking and marketing. There were fifty nine indicators for both the major components and sub-components.
        2.The findings indicated that the model of strategic management of the northeastern Rajabhat universitiesregarding the confirmatory analysis was consistent with the empirical data. The value of Chi - square was 30.415,df = 27,P = 0.296,CFI = 0.997, NFI = 0.973, RMR = 0.022, and RMSEA = 0.021. The findings revealed that all of the components on strategic management the northeastern Rajabhat universities were consistent with the empirical data.
        3.The findings indicated that the model regarding the confirmatory assessment of the seventeen experts and the statistical analysiswas consistent positively with the empirical data. The average opinion of the exterts towardthe appropriateness of the model. The two highest rated items of the model were utility standards (x̄ = 4.58) andfeasibility standards (x̄ = 4.52), and thetwo high rated items of the modelwere accuracy standards (x̄ = 4.41), and propriety standards (x̄ = 4.29) respectively.

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How to Cite
Lavongom , A. . (2020). A Confirmatory Model for Strategic Management of North Eastern Rajabhat University Cluster . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(2), 159–177. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jomld/article/view/241158
Research Article


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