Developing Social Behavior of Preschool Children by Using Creative Art Activities

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Natthiyaporn Karaket


        The purpose of this research was to develop social behavior of preschool children by using creative arts activities and to compare social behavior of preschool children before and after using creative art activities. This research is experimental. The samples were preschool children, men, women, aged between 5-6 years who are currently studying in Kindergarten 2, Semester 1, Academic Year 2018, Army Kindergarten School, Lop Buri. Lop Buri Province Under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1, consisting of 31 people. Simple random sampling by the simple random sampling method. The research instrument consisted of Creative art activity plan and the social behavior observation form with the behavioral and purpose consistency index of IOC of 0.67-1.00 and the reliability of the instrument equal to .857. The statistics used for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation and t -test for dependent samples.
        The results of the research showed that: Develop social behavior of preschool children by using creative art activities. Social behavior of preschool children And after using the creative arts activities differently Statistical significance at the level of .01 in all 3 areas (T = 50.764, Sig = .00) in each area of sharing (T = 27.922, Sig = .00) in support (T = 17.811, Sig = .00) and cooperation (T = 21.176, Sig = .00)

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How to Cite
Karaket, N. . (2020). Developing Social Behavior of Preschool Children by Using Creative Art Activities . Journal of Modern Learning Development, 5(2), 40–54. Retrieved from
Research Article


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